Were I to try and describe myself in short, well, it'd be nearly impossible, mainly because I'm very bad at describing myself. But because I feel like this page needs at least a some sort of description of the person behind this blog, here's a list of things that are close to my heart: cats (I'm a human companion for four of them), watching birds in the garden, reading, drawing, taking photographs, music (I've got a hugely varied taste in music), dancing, yoga, silence, queerness, human and animal rights (I believe in peaceful action, not mindless violent ways of trying to campaign for these sort of things, period), tea, jewelry, fashion (well, duh), history of fashion and costume design, maintaining a healthy diet (I only eat vegan food, for several reasons), laughing - anytime, anywhere, films, the 20's, tattoos, roses, trees, making lists, people with a sense of humour, traveling, collecting shoes, elephants, knitting and crocheting, going to sauna, gothic romanticism, keeping a diary, spending time going about different sort of things online. And this list would go on forever, needless to say.
This blog came to be mainly out of interest towards recording my style and how it flows and evolves. I still consider myself new at blogging, so please bear with me despite the lack of knowledge of the insider tricks of blogging!
If you want to contact me or have any collaboration or business inquiries, please feel free to do so at emmainwindyconditions at gmail dot com
I strongly believe the world would be a better place if people wouldn't take themselves too seriously. I most certainly don't!